Recently I completed another TriYoga Teacher Training. This time the training was in TriYoga Therapeutic and took my already over 300 hours of yoga teaching training into yet another layer entirely.

I’m a big believer in personal and spiritual growth after my own awakening almost 30 years ago now. This means that not only do I do trainings and study that help me grow with professional skills. But also learnings that help me grow in awareness and evolve personally too.

After all, transformation and healing begins with personal awareness right? There’s no point in working with people if I don’t do essential work on myself.

For twelve years now I’ve worked professionally in the area of transformational mindset coaching. Working with people through personal transformations (including the midlife transition), professionally and through their career and business.

Essentially though all change, even professional transformation, comes back to us personally.

What was it Mahatma Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”

This isn’t about perfectionism, because let’s face it, we’re human and no human being is perfect. Even the Dalai Lama himself said that he also feels angry occasionally.

What it really is about though, is doing the inner work when we need to.

Since 2012 I’ve been helping people do that inner work through mindset coaching. Helping people see through unhelpful perceptions they had about themselves and the world around them. Which often includes healing past experience which had resulted in those unhelpful perceptions and beliefs. Then guiding them to achieve what they wanted.

This is work I still do now.

But there is always more than one way to influence those changes. Remember that the mind affects the emotions and body and the reverse is also true. The body affects the mind and emotions. So I believe in working with both.

Five years ago, I had a personal experience that shook my world

And if you’re part of the local networking scene, now I say it you might realise that I haven’t shown my face out networking since then. Until very recently.

That’s because I did some deeply personal inner work. Together with my dear journal and coaching tools, TriYoga was part of that inner work. Helping me release stuck emotion and physical pain.

Through my own healing journey I realised that I had found another practice that I needed to add to my healing and transformation box. That’s when I decided to begin the long journey of TriYoga Teacher Training.

This meant that instead of suggesting clients do yoga and look for a teacher themselves. I could also offer this to them myself either in person or online. Practicing with someone they are already familiar with is often easier for them to do.

After teaching TriYoga for three years in addition to mindset coaching the last twelve, I felt ready for this next layer.

After five days of TriYoga Therapeutic Teacher Training my mind is blown

This practice is as it suggests, it has a distinctly therapeutic effect. The healing I experienced on different levels, both physical and emotional was quite profound. Important insights and awareness arriving during and afterwards. Another layer of the onion as is often said.

This deeply healing, nourishing and transformative practice is quite different to the usual classes I hold. Working with particular muscles, sets of muscles and fascia, to activate and release. With long held relaxing postures in a deeply meditative state. Learning how to move through resistance and sinking deeper into the stretches with each breath.

TriYoga therapeutic is more than a practice for the physical body. Although we benefit greatly on the physical level, easing tension, sometimes relieving pain and allowing us to release stuck emotion too. It also works on the subtle body. The ego and the mind, making the unconscious conscious and allowing us to sink further into the super conscious state.

In short, helping us be at our best to ourselves and others. See our experiences in a different way and live our best life in all facets.

I’m sure you can sense my excitement and I can’t wait to share this practice with you. Stay tuned for the first TriYoga Therapeutic workshop locally in Cairns. And if you are outside of Cairns, Australia, please get in touch. I can possibly recommend a practitioner in or close to your area.

Insights and growth come through challenging ourselves

At the end of the day we don’t receive important insights and lessons by staying where it’s comfortable. Eventually becoming bored, feeling stuck and stagnant. That’s why I’m always doing new trainings, courses and qualifications.

Often when we reach our second half, we’re not sure what we want, we just know we want more. But we’ll never find what that is, if we’re not prepared to do something different. It’s by exposing ourselves to new experiences that the insights come.

To be honest, it’s not always easy and for me personally it also takes a while to get into learning mode again just like anyone else. There are times I feel nervous and even resistance when I decide to go to do a new course, join a new group or catch up with someone new. But I know that nothing in life will change unless I change.

If we want to thrive as we age then we need to challenge ourselves. The insights I’ve received about myself and my work have been magical each time. And after this last TriYoga Therapeutics training, make sure you look out for the next wonderful changes that will come.

If you would like to know more about TriYoga Therapeutics or would like support in stepping out of your comfort zone. Book a time to have a quick chat with Deb Johnstone HERE