How to ease loneliness at Christmastime

How to ease loneliness at Christmastime

Loneliness can be a problem at any time of year, but most especially around Christmastime. There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. We can be alone and feel incredibly happy with our own space. It’s also possible to feel lonely when we’re with...
Career Change After 50? – Banish Self Doubt

Career Change After 50? – Banish Self Doubt

The main obstacle we often experience in any kind of career change at any age is fear. And midlife is no exception to this.When I was younger I remember thinking that I only had a certain amount of time to find a career I loved. I saw 50 as too old to start something...
How To Achieve Your Goals By Christmas

How To Achieve Your Goals By Christmas

Yes you can; even if you feel like you can’t. Achieving your goals by Christmas might well be within your reach.It often feels easier at this time of the year to let goals slide and begin the year with a fresh start. But, the problem is this; when we delay something...