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Your Guide To Increase Self Confidence in MidLife
Our levels of confidence play a massive part in how we experience life and what we achieve. But that doesn’t mean you need to stay small or hide hoping one day your self-confidence magically appears.
This guide will give you insights, tips and actions you can take to feel more confident about yourself so you can thrive in the life you want and deserve to have.

Guide To Increase Career Confidence After 50
Our career choices in midlife are largely affected by our levels of confidence. But that doesn’t mean if you lack self belief you have to just be happy with same old same old, staying stuck in a job you don’t love.
This guide will give you some powerful insights and practical steps you can take to feel more confident and increase career opportunities, to assist you to find work that lights you up and live your full potential.

Your Success Planner (YSP)
Your Success Planner will help you set your goals for all aspects of your life and create the pathway for you to achieve them.
YSP will help you be more productive, manage time more effectively, be more motivated and focused, achieve your goals more consistently and create a balanced life.
How to feel the empowerment of choice when you think you have none
One of the things I love about being over 50 is the empowerment I feel in the choices I make. And yet only a few months ago I felt like I didn’t have options that presented the opportunity to choose. This is something I hadn’t felt in a long time and it was really...
What to do when it feels impossible to set a goal
Each January there seems to be much talk about setting a goal or a new year’s resolution. Which is a fantastic way to continue to encourage growth in our lives, so we can thrive as we age.However, there are times when goals feel downright impossible and you don’t feel...
Starting a New Year Well: What cyclone preparation can teach us
Cyclones are a natural weather pattern in Tropical Far North Queensland, Australia where I live. And because they are natural it’s a challenge we are pretty comfortable with preparing for during our wet season. However sitting waiting for a cyclone to pass in December...
Coping With Empty Nest Syndrome: Letting go and finding new purpose
Empty nest syndrome has to be one of the most difficult of transitions to work through as a woman and mother. For me personally it has been the greatest lesson in the art of letting go. I distinctly remember the feelings as I watched my youngest son driving away. My...
How To Inspire Yourself When Motivation Has Gone South
Motivation is a key requirement when we want to change any aspect of our life for the better. Whether we want to lose weight, have a new career, improve our relationship, make new friends, study or a whole host of other things. Continuously feeling motivated is...
Community With Likeminded Women: A Fundamental Need After 50
Community is often one of the things women crave for after 50.Having a career we love or a passion then we can naturally find that sense of connection. It's usually through the work environment or what we love.The same as if we’re mother’s of younger children, we find...
Tips To Build A Quality Sleep Pattern Again
Sleeplessness can be a real issue when we reach midlife and in the years afterwards. With fluctuations and then decline in hormone levels. Together with often having too much to do and high stress levels our sleep can really suffer. Having regular quality and quantity...
Flexibility – An Essential Strength To Thriving In Midlife
Each day I am realizing more and more the importance of being flexible. Not only is it an essential element of achieving outcomes we want. But also in thriving in midlife and well beyond. Attempting to find a well-priced flight back to Australia from the UK in...
Turning 60 – Lessons And Growth From The Last Decade
February is my birthday month and this year I feel honoured to be turning 60. This is a rite of passage that is denied to so many women, my own mother included in this. Determined to live to a healthy old age and thrive in the process, I never let any other life...
3 Enlightening Insights To Help You Find Purpose After 50
Having purpose is something that’s important to all humans. It provides a reason to get up in the morning, a reason for being.But sometimes when we reach midlife we can feel like there’s a void.More often than not we’ve spent our whole life prioritsing others wants...