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Your Guide To Increase Self Confidence in MidLife
Our levels of confidence play a massive part in how we experience life and what we achieve. But that doesn’t mean you need to stay small or hide hoping one day your self-confidence magically appears.
This guide will give you insights, tips and actions you can take to feel more confident about yourself so you can thrive in the life you want and deserve to have.

Guide To Increase Career Confidence After 50
Our career choices in midlife are largely affected by our levels of confidence. But that doesn’t mean if you lack self belief you have to just be happy with same old same old, staying stuck in a job you don’t love.
This guide will give you some powerful insights and practical steps you can take to feel more confident and increase career opportunities, to assist you to find work that lights you up and live your full potential.

Your Success Planner (YSP)
Your Success Planner will help you set your goals for all aspects of your life and create the pathway for you to achieve them.
YSP will help you be more productive, manage time more effectively, be more motivated and focused, achieve your goals more consistently and create a balanced life.
How to ease loneliness at Christmastime
Loneliness can be a problem at any time of year, but most especially around Christmastime. There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. We can be alone and feel incredibly happy with our own space. It’s also possible to feel lonely when we’re with...
Career Change After 50? – Banish Self Doubt
The main obstacle we often experience in any kind of career change at any age is fear. And midlife is no exception to this.When I was younger I remember thinking that I only had a certain amount of time to find a career I loved. I saw 50 as too old to start something...
How To Achieve Your Goals By Christmas
Yes you can; even if you feel like you can’t. Achieving your goals by Christmas might well be within your reach.It often feels easier at this time of the year to let goals slide and begin the year with a fresh start. But, the problem is this; when we delay something...
How To Manage Change Well In An Uncertain World
Change is a concept that appears in all chapters of our lives. It often brings with it a sense of uncertainty, most especially with unforeseen changes.By midlife, much of our life changes. Kids grow up and leave home, parents grow elderly and eventually pass away....
The Power Of Retreat For Finding Clarity
Having just returned from holding the very first HER Rejuvenate Retreat. Now sitting in reflection myself, I have realised just how powerful the process of withdrawal is.My intent for the small group of beautiful women I shared space with was for them to reconnect,...
Midlife discontent to finding excitement again
Discontent might be a familiar feeling in midlife. Often we don’t feel unhappy but we’re not completely happy either.For many women in midlife things can often get a bit humdrum. Life feels okayish and to expect more than that might even feel a bit unrealistic. I...
Avoiding Mental Fatigue in MidLife
Midlife brings with it many changes. I believe that’s a good thing, but it doesn’t always feel that way at the time. One of those changes is obviously menopause and if we want to make that transition easier then it is essential to avoid mental fatigue. Mental fatigue...
An easy 5 minute practice to reduce stress
Stress can be harmful for our health at any time and goodness knows we’ve had plenty of external stress over the last couple of years. Our global situation has affected everyone to some level, and age has had no bearing on that. Too much stress can eventually lead us...
The secret code to boost your vitality
Earlier this month my state of vitality was feeling particularly low. I was recovering from a head cold, but my energy levels told me there was something else afoot. That rainy Saturday morning I decided to stay in bed until early afternoon. By the time Monday morning...
Eating For Good Health And Vitality
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about eating for good health and vitality, this might interest you. Before you read on however, I want you to know that my knowledge comes from personal experience. I haven’t yet completed my study to qualify as a nutritional...